POWERVISION DYNAMICS • Creating the Star in Your Heart!
~ Est. 1986 • 37 Years ~


Three Saturdays: February 4, 11 & 18

Thank you for participating in the 2023 New Year Vision of Prosperity Creating Workshop. You are going to be creating and experiencing a magnificent, prosperous 2023 and onward!
This is going to be a tremendously powerful and productive event and a lot of material will be covered. In order to assimilate it easily, make certain that you are in a comfortable place where you are not interrupted.
It would be best to be at your computer, tablet or iPad while you go through this workshop. (The mobile view is not available yet.) This special interactive area is available on my site is available for you to view all of the "Visions" I will continually be referring to during the workshop.
To be fully prepared to produce 2 vision creating processes following the workshop, acquire:
• Poster board (out of thick paper stock or a foam board)
• Glue stick
• 11” X 17” heavy sheet of paper
• Colored felt tip pens
Important Guidelines to Follow:

1. Please call the bridge number, that you were sent, promptly at the scheduled time! You can even call in 5 minutes before the class begins.
2. Please notify me in advance if you are going to be late or if you are only doing this through the recordings so that I will know who to expect on the call.
3. Please call from a QUIET location and make certain that there are no background noises during the call! This will ensure that this TeleClass will be a successful experience for all.
4. Please DON’T use a speakerphone or headset!
6. Have a note pad and pen available so that you are ready to capture new guidelines and ideas.
7. Please follow the specific guidelines in the workshop and do all of the processes in order. DON'T skip ahead or push any of the buttons until you are directed to do so.
Most important, be prepared to expand your consciousness, have fun, and be ready to create your strategic and powerful Vision of Prosperity and Make 2023 the Greatest Year Of Your Life So Far!
Happy Prosperous New Year!
Carole Doré

Make 2023 the Greatest MOST Prosperous
and Magnificent Year of Your Life So Far!