POWERVISION DYNAMICS • Creating the Star in Your Heart!
~ Est. 1986 • 37 Years ~


Thank you for ordering the 2025 Ultimate New Year Vision of Prosperity Creating Workshop. You are going to be creating and experiencing a Magnificent, Prosperous 2025 and Onward!
I know you will love this ULTIMATE Expanded 3-Part New Year Audio Workshop. It was recorded in 2023, however, all the class material is dated for 2025. (After giving this workshop for over 35 years, 2023 was definitely the Ultimate one I’ve ever given. Because of that, I will not be offering it live any longer, however, I am offering Special Personalized One-On-One Guidance and Refinement.)
This is a tremendously powerful and productive workshop and a lot of material is covered. In order to assimilate it easily, make certain that you are in a comfortable place where you are not interrupted.
It would be best to be at your computer, Tablet or iPad while taking this workshop. This special interactive area is available on my site for you to view the Diagrams and creative examples that I continually refer to during the workshop. Make certain that you DON’T push on any of the buttons below until you are directed to do so in this 3-Part audio workshop!

To be fully prepared to produce 2 vision creating processes, acquire:
• Poster board (out of thick paper stock or a foam board)
• Glue stick
• 11” X 17” heavy sheet of paper
• Colored felt tip pens

Extreme care has been taken to provide numerous visual examples of all the New Year creative processes that have been produced throughout the years, which are available for you to view during this 3-Part Workshop. You will receive precise guidelines, refinement, plus numerous suggestions to enable you to produce your Ultimate Vision for 2025.
Please Note: No additional visions will be posted online.
Important Guidelines to Follow:
1. Make certain that you follow the specific guidelines given on the recordings and do all of the processes in order. DON’T skip ahead and DON’T push any of the buttons below at the bottom of this Welcome Page until you are directed to do so.
2. To gain the greatest benefit, experience the recordings in a QUIET and peaceful location where you are not interrupted.
3. Have a note pad and pen available so that you are ready to capture new guidelines and ideas.
4. Have the Dimension’s Diagram ready to view at the beginning of Class 1.
Most important, be prepared to expand your consciousness, have fun, be ready to create your strategic powerful Vision of Prosperity and Make 2025 the Greatest Year Of Your Life So Far!
Happy Prosperous New Year!
Carole Doré

Make 2025 the Greatest MOST Prosperous
and Magnificent Year of Your Life So Far!